Don’t forget the Dunny!!14/11/2016Never forget the plumbing again! A snapshot of Quick Lists in Quick Chippy Pro. Subscribe today!
Who needs a gym membership?26/09/2016$1000 a year for a gym membership? I think not! #reallifeworkout #chippylife #paidtoworkout ????? #carpentry
When Mum provides her own tools26/09/2016When mum provides her own "tools" for the job she wants done ?
Mortice lock in a glass door23/09/2016Please don't break it.. Please don't break it.. Please don't break it!
Quick Decks!23/09/2016Friday's and decking were meant to be together ?? Quick Decks is the perfect wing man!
What a great team!22/09/2016Now here's a photo that rocks our Sunday! A happy "Quick Chippy " and his "little chippy"